Thursday, May 29, 2008

Seven random and weird facts about me....

Okay, this is for my friend, Karla, who told me I have been "tagged" (whatever that means) and had to list the stuff mentioned above. Here it goes.

1. I swallowed a thumbtack when I was nine years old. It lodged itself in my food pipe; hence I am still alive today. While in the hospital, awaiting for whatever it was the doctors were going to do to get the thing out, another girl was brought into my room. By an odd coincidence, this teenager had also swallowed a thumbtack. Her reason for having the tack in her mouth? She was putting up posters in her room, keeping the tacks in her mouth so she could use both hands. I thought my reasoning was far superior. I was checking to see if the tack would be drawn to and stick to the magnet that was also in my mouth. It didn't, by the way. Eventually, when the doctors had time to see me, the put me under with anesthesia, strapped me on a board and turned me upside down, pulled my tongue way out of my mouth, and it rolled right out. Cool, huh? My dad didn't think it was very cool at the time, but I think he's gotten over it....

2. I think shaving your feet and toes is just bizarre.

3. I have to use nitrous oxide at the dentist, just to get my teeth cleaned. Otherwise, it turns into a full blown panic attack.

4. I am shorter than most fourth grade girls.

5. I have never ever dyed, lightened, or colored my hair.

6. I am a college graduate, mother of four, and I still have no idea what I want to do with my life.

7. I have never had any part of my body waxed, and plan to keep it that way, thank you very much.

Are those weird and random enough, Karla?


Cherie said...

Is this Shannon Mattson like Brent Mattson's wife?? This is Cherie (Cook) Musick. I found your blog through a friend of mine from my freshman year. If this isn't you, then please disregard my comment :) If it it, tell Brent hello for me and to those cute kiddos of yours!! What a funny world this blogging place is :)

Karla said...

I love it! And the tack story is truly weird. :)

It's jaxun! said...

I think it's time for a tattoo. Oh wait (consults wikipedia about tattoos and Mormonism)... never mind.

Is it against the rules for someone to Photoshop a tattoo onto a picture of you?

Unknown said...

Hello again Shannon :) Thanks for your comment! It was actually kind of random how I found your blog. A friend of mine name Claire Fogelquist has a blog an on her blog she has some links to some other blogs. Well, I just happened to click on a blog of Todd and Katie Sierer who were in our ward at the same time as the Fogelquists. Katie was actually in my freshman ward at BYU also. So, I checked out their blog and saw a link to yours. I knew they had moved to Austin, so I wondered on the off chance if if she knew you guys. How funny! Well, it's fun to reconnect with you guys. I have wondered what you guys have been up to so it'll be fun to get little glimpses here and there. Thanks for telling Brent hello for me! :)

Taste of Champaign said...

you just make me laugh