Friday, November 11, 2011


Have you ever experienced something that made you suddenly realize you might be turning into your mother? And it scared you, just a little bit?

I remember when I was in high school and, for some reason, had the misopportunity to catch a view of my mother stark naked. Now, my mom was by no means grossly obese or disfigured or anything like that. But, in my 17 year-old mind, with my seventeen year old body, I thought to myself, Ew! And, something along the lines of, please don't let me ever, ever look like that when I get old! All wrinkles and excessive dimpling and extra flesh around the midsection; yuck!

Fast forward to the present.

Recently, I was dismayed when I went to give my sixteen year old daughter a hug. She was stiff-armed a little bit, and wouldn't let me get too close to her, and I was wondering what the heck was wrong.

Upon inquiring, the aforementioned sixteen year old informed me that she
didn't want me to squeeze her so tight because, when I did, my poo-chi, which as a result of my Nutter Butter addiction, now sticks out further than my underwhelming A-cups, and she informed me that it "creeped her out a little bit" as it squished into to her flat little stomach while I tried to hug her.

Huh. Well then. How 'bout that?

My response, of course, was to tell her to enjoy her flat stomach while she can; genetics (or perhaps a genetic Nutter Butter problem) would be coming to catch up with her some day.

Her response: the obligatory eye roll, accompanied by a long-suffering heavy sigh, and immediately followed with an extremely un-heartfelt, "Thanks Mom."

My always-mature reply wasn't long in the making: I snottily snapped out, "You're welcome."

And when she wasn't looking, I stuck my tongue out at her.

I am now patiently waiting for her to reach her 40's and realize I am right. And I will have my evil laugh cued up and ready to roll when it happens.


It's jaxun! said...

Embrace da pooch! Buddha had one and he was a pretty content fella. As for stodgy children, it goes with the territory. And embarrassing them is our hard won right! Relish every opportunity!

ToddS said...

There are so many snarky things to say...that I'm paralyzed by the choices. Well done.